CEHP Activity Planning Timeline
The information below is intended primarily for conferences or other one-time events. If you are planning a Regularly Scheduled Series or an on-demand activity, please contact us at cehp@missouri.edu.
- Who, What and Why (before any When is considered)
- Define the target audience. If you are wanting to provide Nursing Contact Hourse, please contact our office before you go any further in your planning.
- Define the educational need and collect supporting documents
- Identify people from the target audience to sit on a planning committee and as content expert(s); note ineligible person types
- Discuss the probability of fees or profit-sharing
- Have a Planning Committee meeting with CEHP involved
- Discuss the need
- Define purpose, current state of knowledge and practice, and develop outcomes
- Refine target audience and ensure representation on PC; address applicable laws and regulations
- Discuss format
- Project a date (live conference or release of enduring) that is at least 9 months in the future
- Develop topic/content list and potential Subject Matter Experts (may produce Call)
- Have PC members commit to contacting SMEs for commitmentIdentify venue preferences if appropriate
- Identify venue preferences if appropriate
- Give it a name
- Have a second PC meeting (at least 8 months out – one month after the first one)
- Refine purpose, outcomes and audience as needed – this will all be provided to SMEs
- Define successful completion
- Discuss vendors and sponsorships and educational grants
- Review SMEs and confirm commitment
- Revise SME and/or topic list as necessary
- Review venue options (if not already done via email)
- Build draft agenda
- Provide all confirmed SME contact info to CEHP; CEHP will send paperwork (FRF, EPW, etc)
- Discuss fees; CEHP will build a sample budget
- Discuss marketing strategy
- CEHP will open in HighMarks; PC will get FRFs and declare expertise
- CEHP will produce MOU/JPA as appropriate
- Have a third PC meeting (6-7 months out, depending on the status of the agenda)
- Review agenda; fill in gaps
- Develop CE statements
- Review status of all items needed for CVent, website, and marketing
- Ensure all information is on hand to apply for external CE; fill in gaps
- If exhibitors are desired, finalize contact list and ensure all appropriate information is on hand
- If medical education grants are being sought, identify targets and ensure all appropriate information is on hand
- Target opening of registration
- Review evaluation strategy
- Have a fourth PC meeting (4-5 months out, and they should be getting shorter)
- Fill in any remaining or new agenda gaps
- Mitigate disclosed financial relationships
- Review marketing strategy and adjust as needed
- Develop online delivery components (Canvas, EventsAir)
- Review budget and projections
- Review information for final program and fill in gaps
- Beginning 90 days out, PC meetings may be ad hoc, but there should be at least one more formal gathering.
- Review challenges with getting speaker info
- Create and review evaluation instrument
- Produce day of event roadmap (moderators, AV, menu, special needs, handouts)